FierceliFit started in January 2015 with only 20 runners.

Since then, the number has grown to over 500, and we have helped nudge these people who never thought they could run to finish a half marathon and change their lives for the better.

Our Story

Heartache marked the start of Sonali’s (founder) journey. She tragically lost two close friends to the effects of depression over a few years (2003-2014). After these events, she was left looking for comfort and a way to nurture her mental health. She had no idea that the joy of running would be her gateway to healing.

Sonali had a vision for a community where others might find their own safe and happy place through exercise, inspired by her own transformation. A group of people who disregarded restrictions and supported the idea that everyone should be fit. She was adamant that regardless of background or fitness level, everybody could benefit from physical activity’s transformational abilities.

Our Community

We are big-time promoters of wellness and fitness.

Our goal is to bring everyone out of their homes , and get them off the grid for a little while to maintain mental and physical equilibrium in life.

Regardless of age, background, or fitness level, we think everyone should have access to fitness. There are no requirements, in this case, other than a strong desire and unwavering resolve to adopt a better way of life.

Our community is focused on creating a welcoming and accepting space where people from various backgrounds can mingle and celebrate their fitness journeys.

We gain energy and solidarity from working out together, pushing ourselves to the edge, and doing things we never imagined possible.